Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Through Old Eyes

It's been on my mind for some time to see if an old Brownie camera I have could still produce a decent photo. Now that I am processing my own film, it seemed like the right time to experiment. The Brownie No. 2 first appeared in 1901, and was still produced into the early 1930s. I don't know the precise year of my model. It's a little beat up, and it leaks some light, but what I like about it, as you can see in the image above, is that it produces pictures that look, well, 80-100 years old. I'm going to enjoy this camera a lot. Watch for more images from it in future posts, or on my Flickr page. Also, here's a cool little YouTube video that shows how the shutter mechanism works.

My Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/57699644@N03/

A You tube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhLnc_Vd29w


  1. Well, now isn't that cool! Love it. Grandpa K or S was the proud owner of the Brownie?

  2. I thought it was great-grandpa Bousquet, but Larry, Greg, and Ron all agree the camera belonged to Luella.
